Saturday, January 30, 2010


A clip of President Obama responding to Republican questions at yesterday's House GOP caucus meeting:

I have to say that, with regard to the stimulus package, Democrats really need to hammer home the notion that so much of it was tax cuts and that a huge chunk of it was aid to state and local government and unemployed insurance/COBRA help.  Democrats need to really challenge the Republicans to defend "not doing the stimulus" and the situation - in small towns and cities across the country - that it would have led to.

This forum, by the way, was great.  It was great for our politics in that it is great for citizens to see members of the different parties talking and disagreeing in a civlized fashion.  It was also great for the President, because he finally was able to take head-on so much of the garbage that Republicans have been throwing around.  It was not great for the House Republicans, but they do deserve a bunch of credit for allowing cameras in the room for the whole thing (which, some are now saying, they came to immediately regret).

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