Friday, November 13, 2009

'B' 2012 Watch

As I began my health care analysis to be posted Sunday, I realized that I should start a new tradition: the 'B' 2012 Watch. I will periodically post opinions of prospective candidates for the 2012 election. Given the radical shift in my views between 2004 and 2008, I figured it might be funny to look back on this when 2012 is actually upon us. Although I am a registered independent, I intend to vote in the Republican primary...

Top 5 Preferred Candidates for GOP Nomination

  1. Greg Ballard Condi Rice
  2. John Thune
  3. David Petraeus
  4. Mitt Romney
  5. Mitch Daniels

Distribution of Likelihood of Vote (out of 1)
[Prob. candidate runs * Prob. candidate is preferred|Candidate runs]
  1. Romney (.6)
  2. Thune (.1)
  3. Pawlenty (.1)
  4. Jindal (.1)
  5. Palin, Daniels, Petraeus, Cantor, Rice (.02)
 Likelihood of Final Vote:
  1. GOP (.8)
  2. Democrat (.2) 
Approval of Obama (1-10/Binary): 3/Nay

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